
Published on:

25th Aug 2024

The Power of Yes | Steuart Payne | 25th August 2024

Ps Steu speaks about the power of Yes. He breaks this into four areas along with personal anecdotes and scriptural references showing how 'yes' is the answer to being aligned with and serving God. The'yes' also usually results in changes that create a 'no' in other areas of our lives.

1 Samuel 17:32 (NIV) says "David said to Saul, “Let no one lose heart on account of this Philistine; your servant will go and fight him.” Here we see how a 'yes' committed David.

Matthew 4:19-20 (NIV) says “Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.” At once they left their nets and followed him. This 'yes' caused action to take place...they immediately left their nest and followed Him..

A 'yes' creates shift in our lives...sometimes to a place entirely out of our comfort zone. The 'yes' of Simon, Andrew, James and John changed the course of their lives. They move from where they were to, where they where God wanted them to be.

Ps Steu's fourth 'Yes' is that a 'Yes' means a 'No'!  'Yes' to God will bring breakthrough in our lives. We become free of the things that once distracted us, deceived us, free of old ways and old habits, just by saying, "God, 'Yes', I'm gonna run hard after you". The more we burn for God, the less we will burn for the things of the world.

In summary, a 'Yes':-

  • Commits us
  • Causes Action
  • Causes Shift
  • Usually means No as well

A 'Yes' to God means

  • Whole heartedly running after God
  • Being fully committed to God's house not just as spectators
  • Becoming servants in God's house 
  • Servants becoming stewards
  • People who really take ownership and fully own their responsibilities

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Family Church Gosport
Sunday Mornings at Family Church Gosport
Listen to messages recorded at our Gosport congregation of Family Church.
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