
Published on:

28th Feb 2021

Turn The Power On | Welcome Holy Spirit | Andy Elmes | 28th February 2021

This week’s message in the series Turn The Power On is titled Welcome Holy Spirit. To fully walk or experienced the power of God in our lives we must experience three baptisms spoken of in scripture. These are the baptism into Christ which is our salvation. The Holy Spirit does this. There is also the baptism in water representing the burial of the old life; this baptism is done by other believers. When a person comes out of the water of baptism, their life is being resurrected into a new way of being - the New Creation life. The third baptism is to experience the infilling or the baptism of the Holy Spirit. This is where the power of the Holy Spirit is released in our lives. This third baptism is spoken of in each of the four Gospels.

Now if Jesus knew that he needed the baptism of the Holy Spirit to live out the life that God wanted him to on the earth, how can we presume for a moment that we don’t? John 1:32-34 (NIV) states ‘Then John gave this testimony: “I saw the Spirit come down from heaven as a dove and remain on him. And I myself did not know him, but the one who sent me to baptize with water told me, ‘The man on whom you see the Spirit come down and remain is the one who will baptize with the Holy Spirit.’  I have seen and I testify that this is God’s Chosen One”’.

This was a different moment with Jesus from some in the Old Testament (Samson, Gideon…). The Holy Spirit came upon Jesus but remained with him and from this moment Jesus was led by and empowered by The Spirit in his everyday life. Having God’s Spirit come and live inside us is a very significant thing!....as His Spirit floods our lives everything else that's flooded our lives will leave. His presence will drown out every other noise in our lives. All lives have now become His Temple or His Dwelling Place. The Holy Spirit is now longer in a box or the Ark of the Covenant as in the Old Testament, but now lives and resides in us, in our human bodies! We are now invited to host the presence of God.

As Spirit-filled people we now recognize the Holy Spirit is now living within us and we dedicate our lives to hosting His presence. Everything changes when we recognise this. Understanding that there is a remaining indwelling presence of God residing in us causes transformation in the life of the believer. Jesus said he would never leave us now, even until the end of the age he will be with us as we host his presence. The record of our sin has been removed – holy cannot sit next to unholy. In First Corinthians 6 verses 18 onwards, Paul addresses the Corinthian church regarding ungodly behaviour. Our lives are not our own any more, they have been bought with a price, and we are temples of the Holy Spirit. This means we are no longer mere human! Where God is celebrated all other authorities fall (1Samuel 5 :3). With God’s Spirit in us, nothing is impossible!

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